The Faculty of Medicine of Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna offers the studies of human medicine and dentistry in bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes.
Graduates are doctor of medicine and doctor of dentistry.
In Vienna, the study programmes in medicine and dentistry are offered in German language.
The new university course “Lasers in Dentistry” comprises five semesters with 120 ECTS and concludes with a Master Professional (M.Pr.). The programme is offered exclusively in English.
Founded in: 2015 (as a faculty)
Headquartered in: Vienna, Austria
Dean: Univ.-Doz. Dr. med. Christian Joukhadar
Offered programmes in German language:
Bachelor of Medicine
in the specializations of human medicine and dentistry: 6 semesters / 180 ECTS
Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences (BScMed)
Master of Medicine
6 semesters / 180 ECTS
Doctor medicinae universalis (Dr. med. univ.)
Master of Dentistry
6 semesters / 180 ECTS
Doctor medicinae dentalis (Dr. med. dent.)
Offered programmes in English language:
University course “Lasers in Dentistry”
5 semesters / 120 ECTS
Master Professional (M.Pr.)