Faculty of Medicine
Duration / ECTS - Credits
6 semesters / 180 ECTS
Academic Degree
Doctor medicinae universae (Dr. med. univ.)
Qualification Level
Master (2nd study cycle)
Information on the Curriculum*
Mode of Study
Language of Instruction
Location of Implementation

The Master degree programme in Human Medicine is a six-semester (three year) study programme. Graduates will be awarded a “Doctor medicinae universalis, Dr. med. univ.” (180 ECTS).
(Is currently only offered in German)

Admission Procedure

Master degree programme available in German language only (C1). 

SFU MED Admission Procedure on our German page. 

Course Structure, incl. Curriculum

In the first four semesters of the master’s program, the previously acquired knowledge is deepened in a symptom-oriented manner in the recurring theoretical-clinical system blocks and expanded to include aspects of treatment. Part of the schedule is reserved for teaching cross-sectional subjects across blocks in the teaching format transdisciplinary clinical conference, this concerns the specialties of radiology and radiation oncology, laboratory medicine, pathology and microbiology, molecular genetics, interdisciplinary pain medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and clinical pharmacology.

The theoretical-practical learning content is rounded out and deepened by the compulsory clinical clerkships and clinical electives, in which students deepen and internalize the medical skills acquired in the skills lab and gain an expanded understanding of disease science from them.

In the summarizing topic block “Analysis and Evaluation of Acute and Chronic Symptoms”, the students are prepared for their own work in a special way by means of a spotlight-like general repetition of the central clinical pictures and symptoms of the study – the compilation is oriented towards the Problems as Starting Points for Training from the Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives as well as from the Objectives for Clinical Examination of the Canadian Meds – in the sense of a general repetition. This is followed by the Clinical Practical Year in the 5th and 6th semesters, in which the students deepen the knowledge, skills and medical attitudes (professional action) acquired in the previous five years of study and acquire the ability for postgraduate training and further education under supervision.

The independent examination of the basic principles of scientific research is promoted and demonstrated through the completion of the master’s thesis. In doing so, the students are in permanent exchange with their respective supervisors. The master theses are submitted including posters and abstracts and presented to the faculty on a fixed date, the so-called Science Day.

Graduates have learned and practiced communication and psychosocial skills and applied them in clinical teaching. They are able and willing to communicate and resolve conflicts with patients, relatives, colleagues and medical assistants in a respectful and adequate manner.

Curriculum Master (pdf)

Qualification Profile & Skills

The completion of the Master of Human Medicine program is the basis for further training as a specialist or general practitioner or for a postgraduate master’s program or a dissertation. The program, designed as a full-time study program, is passed by completing modules and lines.

Special qualification features are professional medical competences in the context of the current state of science and research. The medical knowledge imparted focuses on the diagnosis, complications and therapy of diseases, the training of special differential diagnostic skills, medical decision-making skills, the creation of a problem-oriented, transdisciplinary understanding of cross-sectional subjects and clinical-practical training including sound practical knowledge in emergency medicine.

Occupational Profiles & Career Opportunities

The completion of the master’s program in human medicine is the basis for further training as a specialist or general practitioner or for a postgraduate master’s program or a dissertation.

Tuition Fees & Financing

The tuition fees for the Master’s programme in Human Medicine at SFU MED are EUR 12,500 per semester.

Following the applicable criteria, Sigmund Freud University awards scholarships and grants every year.
Information only available on our German page. 


SFU Accreditation reports on our German page.


Faculty of Medicine
Sigmund Freud Private University
Freudplatz 3
A – 1020 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 90 500 70 1111
E-Mail: info@med.sfu.ac.at